General Terms of Use for Partner Academy


Please register online via our portal. Your registration is binding and will be booked by us in the order of receipt.

Participation in the Trainings is limited to suppliers and partners who have an active contract with the BMW Group and require the training to work with BMW.


The role of the Master Admin

In principle, any person from a Partner Academy partner company can obtain the role of Master Admin. We recommend that one person or one person per company unit be designated for this role. The role of Master Admin entails extended functions and responsibilities on the Partner Academy platform.

The Master Admin is responsible for adding learners to the platform by enrolling them in a course as well as approving learner bookings, if applicable. Unlimited learners of the organization as well as sub-suppliers working directly on BMW projects can be added. However, it is prohibited to add learners who work for a direct competitor of the BMW Group.

Furthermore, the Master Admin receives the monthly invoice for all booked courses of the learners from his organization.

The role of the learner

As a learner, you have limited rights on the platform. However, you can enroll yourself in courses, which may need to be subsequently approved by the Master Admin. The Master Admin receives the monthly invoice by email.


The various discount options we offer cannot be combined. This also applies to already discounted total prices. Should you subsequently partially cancel, you will be charged the regular price.


You can withdraw from the contract at any time. Please note that we charge the following processing fees:

  • Cancellation up to 4 weeks before the start of the event or course: free of charge for trainer-led events
  • Cancellation 4 weeks before the start of the event or course: the full participation fee plus VAT. This also applies in case of no-show of the registered participant.
  • With the start of the processing of an e-learning we charge the full participation fee plus VAT.


We reserve the right to cancel the event due to insufficient demand or number of participants or for other important reasons beyond our control (e.g., sudden illness of the trainer, force majeure). Participation fees already paid by you will be refunded.

Further liability and compensation claims resulting from the cancellation or the change of the event and not concerning the injury of life, body or health are excluded, as far as there is no intent or gross negligence on our part. This also applies for hotel rooms, flight- or train tickets booked by you.


We are entitled to make necessary changes to the content, methodology and organization before or during the event, provided that these do not significantly change the benefit of the announced event for the participant. We are entitled to replace the scheduled speakers in case of need (e.g., illness, accident) with other persons equally qualified to present the announced topic.

The documents provided as part of the training are prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief. Liability and warranty for the correctness, completeness and quality of the contents are excluded.


The Retail Performance Company GmbH reserves all intellectual property rights in the Services. The trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services are trademarks of their respective owners.

In particular, the distribution of audio or video data, digital presentations, or scripts exclusively accessible in the training is prohibited.


In the events, photographs can be taken by the participants as part of a photo protocol. These photo protocols are only made available to the participants of the event in the learning environment. If you do not agree to your person being photographed or to the photo log being uploaded to the learning environment, please contact the trainer.

Some events may also involve the recording of participants in photos or videos. Please note that these recordings and not the photo logs can be used for advertising purposes of The Retail Performance Company GmbH.

If the recordings are to be used for advertising purposes, we will ask you for your consent separately in advance of the event.


You have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days after conclusion of the contract without giving any reason. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter, fax or e-mail sent by post). You can use the following sample cancellation form for this purpose:


The Retail Performance Company GmbH, Pelkovenstr. 145, 80992 Munich, Germany. E-mail:

I hereby revoke the contract I have concluded for the provision of the following service:

Ordered on:

Name of consumer(s) Address of consumer(s)

Signature of consumer(s) (only in case of communication on paper) Date.

However, this is not mandatory. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.


The right of withdrawal expires in the case of a contract for the delivery of digital content not on a physical data carrier with the start of the WBT: After the purchase we will start the execution of the contract which you expressly have agreed on.


If you revoke this contract, we must return to you all payments that we have received from you immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your revocation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment.

If the service begins during the withdrawal period, you must pay us a reasonable amount in the event of late withdrawal, corresponding to the proportion of the services already provided up to the point at which you inform us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this contract. You waive your right of withdrawal accordingly.


Each participant receives a personal access from us. The use of the e-learning software is limited to this participant and to a certain period of time. Passing on the access data or Training content to third parties is not permitted.


By clicking the "Book now" button, you make a binding booking of a Partner Academy course or coaching package. You will then receive a booking confirmation by e-mail. We are entitled to block your access to Partner Academy without giving reasons if you have not used the services offered by us for a period of 3 years. The user will be informed about an upcoming blocking by e-mail with a notice period of 4 weeks. Every user is entitled to delete the Partner Academy account at any time and without giving reasons. Deletion of the account does not release the user from any payment obligation. Your data will always be processed in compliance with the legal provisions. Additional information on data protection in connection with the services offered in the BGPA can be found in our privacy policy.

Partner Academy COURSE CONTENT

We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently discontinue the provision of parts or the entire content of the individual Partner Academy courses, as well as the Partner Academy platform, without separate notice. The user will be notified of the final discontinuation of a Partner Academy course with a notice period of 4 weeks in advance by e-mail.

Passing on the access data or Training content to third parties is not permitted.


Unless otherwise stated, all prices quoted are exclusive of statutory VAT. The prices stated on the Partner Academy website are non-binding. The prices stated in the booking confirmation are decisive. The fee will be invoiced immediately after the booking with immediate payment.

The invoice is usually sent by e-mail.


We try our best to provide access to Partner Academy permanently (365 days, 24h). However, the availability at any time is expressly not guaranteed. In particular, access may be temporarily restricted for technical reasons, for example due to necessary maintenance and repair work.


Our website contains links to third party websites. We provide these links as an additional service or as a courtesy. We as the provider have no influence on the content of the linked third-party websites. Therefore, we are not liable for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided there. The provider does not guarantee the functionality and/or correctness of the pages or the data, services or works offered on them and is not liable under any circumstances for damage or consequential damage or any kind of loss caused directly or indirectly by the operation, non-operation, use or application in any form. We inform you that contractual relationships with third party providers are exclusively governed by their terms and conditions.


The EU Commission has provided a platform for online dispute resolution. This platform can be reached under the following link: We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


Place of performance and jurisdiction is Munich. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. In the case of consumers, this choice of law shall only apply insofar as the protection granted is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence. If the user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract shall be our place of business. The same shall apply if the user does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if the user's place of residence or habitual abode is unknown at the time the action is brought.

For reasons of better readability, female and male forms of language are not used simultaneously and the generic masculine is used. All references to persons naturally apply equally to both genders.