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gAMS for Creators and Editors - Basics


8 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations


The participant:

  • Learns how to create and detail a technical measure up to the status change concept.


The gAMS for Creators and Processors seminar shows how to create and detail a technical action up to the status change concept.

  • Overview of the ItO 05.01.10 approving change management process with the gAMS>NEXT application.
  • Creating a technical measure from the iRAM change context.
  • Creating positions in gAMS>NEXT/transfer of positions from the iRAM change context.
  • Work sequences (AFO) management.
  • Scheduling the technical measure using the iRAM change context.
  • Simplified MNV assessment and deMS.
  • Completion of the measure and change status to "Concept".

Target Group

  • Partners who issue change requests and take responsibility for measures. No basic knowledge required.

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