Upcoming Training

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24 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations
Multiple Languages


The participant:
  • Knows how to thematically categorize the Robotic Process Automation Technology in Digital Technologies and how it is applied in BMW Group.
  • Gains an overview of the possiblities with Robotic Process Automation, the Software UiPath but also shows you current limitations of this technology. 
  • Learns how to use and navigate in the applications UiPath Studio and UiPath Orchestrator. 
  • Knows the significant basics for implementation and the BMW standards in theory and will also apply and internalize these with some practical exercises. 
- They possess technical and textual skills, allowing them to operate Liferay (V7) software.
- They are capable of creating structured content for their readers.
- They are familiar with the editing process.


  • Deepening the knowledge of UiPath Studio  and Orchestrator Introduction.
  • BMW RPA Creator Guidelines and Best Practices.
  • Ui-Elements and Ui-Selectors Introduction + Exercise.
  • E-Mail Activities, File-Explorer Activities, Excel Activities + Exercise.
  • String Manipulation and Loops + Exercise.
  • OCR / Image Recognition + Excercise and Database Activities.
  • Exception and Debugging Introduction.
  • State Machine Template and Invoke Activity + Exercise.
  • The workshop will be held in German, if all of the participants master the language. Otherwise will be held in English.

Target Group

  • Partners, which want to implement automations with RPA.

Good to know

  • Before you sign up to take part in the workshop, please coordinate with the RPA CoE team first (to find the right contact person refer to https://atc.bmwgroup.net/confluence/x/DTAdFQ).
  • Another prerequisite is completion of 1.) evaluation and 2.) idea submission (For details refer to: https://atc.bmwgroup.net/confluence/x/c8WmQQ).
  • You'll need to install the Software UiPath Studio on your laptop and take it to the training. The RPA CoE team will provide you with a temporarily trial license upon request.
  • Participants have to complete the RPA Developer Foundation Training (WBT) from UiPath Online-Academy (effort approx. 60 hours) first. The training will build on this level of knowledge.
Attention: We will close the registration one week befor training due to preperation works.


In PLAZA you will find relevant information about RPA in the chapter "First Steps" und especially how to find and book the e-learning (must do!) from Uipath in the World-Wide-Web.

  • https://atc.bmwgroup.net/confluence/x/c8WmQQ 
This training is available in german and english. Please check the language stated in the course details before enrolling!

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