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Advanced Diagnostics Training


16 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations


The participant:

  • Gains advanced knowledge for the development of offboard and onboard diagnostics including the modeling of diagnostic services based on ISO 14229-1 (UDS), data interpretation based on ISO 22901-1 as input for SGBD and ODX.
  • Develops a basic understanding of how to configure the AUTOSAR stack (via DEXT) for the ECU software.


  • Data Diagnostic protocol.
  • UDS in general and UDS Diagnostic Services.
  • Overview of the most important UDS services (0x22, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x31).
  • Negative Response Code (NRC).
  • Diagnostic Sessions.
  • Suppress Positive Response Message Indication Bit (SPRMIB).
  • Security Access/Secure ECU Modes.
  • General procedures (test knowledge).
  • Data interpretation.
  • ODX as the basis for data modeling.
  • Diag. service - general structure.
  • Overview of parameter types.
  • Data structures (e.g. fields, multiplexers etc.).
  • Superimposed data structures.
  • Vehicle electrical system communication.
  • Vehicle electrical system.
  • OSI model.
  • Vehicle interface.
  • Bus systems.
  • D-CAN.
  • HSFZ.
  • Error memory/Events.
  • Structure.
  • DTC.
  • Status byte.
  • SnapShotData.
  • ExtendedData.
  • Displacement.
  • Aging/Healing.
  • Clear error memory.
  • Fault-Confirmation.
  • Enable Conditions.
  • Debouncing.
  • Event Combination.
  • AUTOSAR Configuration.
  • Overview AUTOSAR.
  • AUTOSAR Classic Platform.
  • AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.
  • Data exchange via DEXT.
  • Tools - Symphony.
  • Toolchain and Offboard Formats.
  • Overview Toolchain.
  • Offboard formats.
  • Requirements.
  • Training Diagnostics at BMW (03822).

Target Group

  • ECU managers at BMW and suppliers.
  • ECU diagnostic developers at BMW and suppliers.
  • Employees in test and assurance at BMW (ECU, subsystem, Labcar, FIT) and suppliers.

Good to Know

  • The topics covered are fundamental to the ISO-compliant specification in ZEDIS and serve as an indispensable basis for quality assurance.

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