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WBT - Information Protection Basic Training


1 hours
Access: 365 Days
Multiple Languages


The Participant:

  • Knows the basics of information protection at BMW.
  • Knows how to orient their behavior in accordance with information protection requirements and how to protect information in a risk-oriented manner.
  • Handles BMW information in a secure way.
  • Knows how to identify information protection incidents and report them to the security organization immediately after they occur or when they become aware of them.
  • Classifies information and identifies and manages security risks.
  • Know how to implement information protection requirements in their area of responsibility with partner companies or as manager with their employees.


  • The importance of information protection in the BMW Group.
  • Responsibility as an employee and manager.
  • Protection objectives and principles of information security.
  • Threats for the BMW Group.
  • Attack types and incident reporting.
  • Information protection measures at work, on BMW premises, on the road and on the Internet.
  • Information identification and classification of documents.
  • Secure handling of confidential documents — even when working with partners.
  • Responsibilities of information protection delegates.
  • Self-assessment and risk management.

Target Group

  • All employees and managers of the BMW Group (with a PC workplace)

Good to Know

Please find the "Information Protection" intranet site at informationprotection.bmwgroup.net

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