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WBT - DBKR vehicle project AG


0.5 hours
Access: 365 days


The participant:

  • Understands targets, sequence, responsibilities and installation of the concept maturity process.
  • Knows and understands the set-up of the DBKR system as well as its functions and the operation.


The concept maturity process ensures maturity for inquiry and contract awarding. In this WBT you will learn the following contents:
- Introduction
- Fundamentals of concept maturity process
- Fundamentals of the DBKR system
- Sequence of the concept maturity process in the DBKR system
- Comprehensive topics
- Help and contact persons
- This WBT describes the process in vehicle projects of the customer.

The concept maturity process ensures maturity for inquiry and contract awarding. In this WBT you will learn the following contents:

  • Introduction.
  • Fundamentals of concept maturity process.
  • Fundamentals of the DBKR system.
  • Sequence of the concept maturity process in the DBKR system.
  • Comprehensive topics.
  • Help and contact persons.
  • This WBT describes the process in vehicle projects of the customer.

Target Group

  • All users of the concept maturity process and the DBKR system.
  • Module manager.
  • SE/BE team leader.
  • Component managers.
  • Assessment bodies in the KR process management functions (e.g. KI, PV-D, committee supervisor).

Good to Know

Please make sure that your system meets the following requirements before registration:

  • BMW Group Enterprise Client with Windows 7 or 10.
  • Internet Explorer 11 or Google Chrome (Javascript enabled, Cookies allowed, Popups allowed).

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