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SERA Evaluator Training for Planners and Users of the SERA System (FOCUS MM01 - MM12)


8 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations
Multiple Languages


The participant:

  • Is able to create an ergonomics evaluation (features 01-07) with the SERA system.
  • Learns about safe system operation and application of features 01 to 12 and extended system functionalities..


Presentation of SERA focus:
  • Physical agents (characteristics 01-07).
  • Agents from the work environment (characteristics 08-10).
  • Mental stress (Features 11-12).
  • Evaluation/Reporting.
  • Extended SERA functionalities.

Target Group

  • Partners from the areas of development, planning, production, health service and occupational safety, who are involved in the design of the product, processes and ongoing operations including workshops.

Good to know


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