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WBT - Logistical Separation Hardware And Software 2.0 (LOTHUS)


0.8 hours
Access: 365 Days
Multiple Languages


The Participant:

  • Knows that the increasing digitalization of the vehicle requires configuration logic for software that is independent of the E / E hardware.
  • Understands the processes and systems of approval and software logistics expanded to enable quality-assured, flexible software control with simultaneous consistency of the overall vehicle configuration as part of the logistic separation of hardware and software 2.0 (LOTHUS).
  • Is taught the basics and detailed knowledge of the 3-stage approval process for logistically separated E / E components in an interactive manner.


  • Introduction and overview of the logistic separation hardware and software (LOTHUS).
  • Classification of the 3-stage approval process from LOTHUS in the I-stage process.
  • Stage 1: Hardware approval for parts list management.
  • Stage 2: First software release for parts list management.
  • Stage 3: Second software release for content-related software release.

Target Group

  • SE/BE Teamleader.

Good to Know

The participants know the processes in software logistics and the BMW approval process, including the functionalities for processing approval requirements in the integrated product maintenance (iPP).

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