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Advanced Data Driver License


2 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations


The participant:

  • Know about the Data & Analytics Collaboration Model, the Data & Analytics Value Chain and basics of the Data & Analytics Architecture.
  • Understand the intention of Information & Data Protection.
  • Know about the Information & Data Protection Activities of the Data & Analytics Working Model (see DGF: Information & Data Protection).
  • Understand and interpret aspects and obligations for own D&A Artifacts.
  • Have received guidance and support from experts for own D&A Artifacts.


  • Data & Analytics, Information & Data Protection:
    • Information Protection mechanisms within D&A Working Model.
    • Data Privacy Protection mechanisms within D&A Working Model.
  • Data Management: Giving advice & instructions to risks and protection activities for the following questions:
    • Does my data contain personal related information?
    • Does my data contain information from multiple regions/legal entities? Are they restricted in use?
    • Does my data contain critical information for my company?
  • Data Usage: Giving advice & instructions to risks and protection activities for the following questions:
    • Is my Use Case business critical?
    • Do I need to process personalized Data?
    • Is my Use Case processing critical Information?

Target Group

  • All partners (internal/ZAK) with roles in the D&A Working Model, responsible for compliance of a D&A Artifact or having special permissions to (red) Data.
  • All suppliers who work with Data Engineers, Data Stewards, Use Case Owners & Deputies, and Provider Owners & Deputies.

Good to Know

  • Basic Data Driver License.
  • Being familiar with Data & Analytics Wording and Context.
  • Being responsible for or having special permissions for a D&A Artifact (Dataset/Data Asset/Use Case).
  • This training is a prerequisite to work as a Use Case Owner / Provider Owner or Data Steward / Data Engineer.
  • Helpful: AWS Solution Architect or AWS Developer


  • Be familiar with the formulation and context of data & analytics.
  • You are responsible for a D&A artefact or have special authorisations for it (data set/data set/use case).
  • This training is a prerequisite for working as a use case owner/provider owner or data steward/data engineer.
  • Helpful: AWS solution architect or AWS developer.

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