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HV-2 Exam Extended (incl. 1 training day) for Repeaters


12 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations
Multiple Languages


Please Note

  • The exam includes the theories of modules A, B and C. Depending on which module was not passed previously, one or more modules are included in the examination.
  • For more information about previous exam results, including the modules to rekate, please visit the HV-2 Examinations | HV-2 Prüfungskurs course located in the Partner Academy learning platform. 
  • The training day includes one or several of the following practice stations, which are repeat according to the previous exam result:
    • Practice station Vehicle (Potential equalization).
    • Practice station Component (HEAT).
    • Practice station ELABO.
    • Practice station Vehicle. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: This offer includes the exam and one training day. When booking this ITEM, attendance on the training day is mandatory in order to be admitted to the examination!
  • Please send your QX-number as well as your BMW ID number (on the front under the name) for validation to support@bmw-partner.academy.
  • Attention: Activation of your BMW ID card required before the start of the course!

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