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XLAB – BMW Infrastructure as CODE


8 hours
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations
Multiple Languages


The participant:

  • Is familiar with Terraform and can apply Infrastructure as Code (IaC) independently.
  • Knows how to utilize Terraform to write, plan and apply their IaC Code compliant to BMW´s IaC Coding Guideline.
  • Knows Terraform commands like: terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply, etc.
  • Walks away with a solid understanding of Terraform.


  • Introduction in Infrastructure as Code.
  • Tooling:
    • Terraform Commands.
    • GIT Commands.
    • BMWs IaC Coding Guideline.
  • Terraform Core Concepts:
    • Installation and Configuration.
    • Providers and Resources.
    • Variables and Outputs.
  • References and Best Practices.
  • Gain practical experience through hand-on exercises.

Target Group

  • Partner, especially Software Developers and Architects who want to build knowledge about Infrastructure as Code using Terraform.

Good to know

  • Personal Prerequisites:
    • Completed BMW Level 1 Cloud Beginner.
    • Completed BMW Level 2 Cloud Potential.
    • Be able to write and modify Source Code.
    • Experiences with minimum one object-oriented programming language.
    • Terminal usage and coding skills.
    • Familiar to work with Command Line Interfaces (i.e. Linux Bash).
  • Technical Prerequisites:
    • Access to ATC GitHub.
    • Developer Client or Cloud Development Environment.
    • Git + Terraform + Visual Studio Code localy installed (via WUSS).
  • Students are responsible for checking their prior knowledge.
  • Additional Offers:
  • If you have further questions regarding Cloud Trainings, you can contact us: cloudtrainings@bmw.de

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