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WBT - TNR: Financial Services Basics


0.5 Hours
Access: 365 Days


The participant:

  • Gets basic knowledge of Financial Services and the distinction between SF-Alphabet-BMW Bank.
  • Kows the definition and basic calculation of financial products. 
  • Understands which variables influence the rate.
  • Understands where the differences are in the products, and when which product is suitable for which customer.
  • Is capable to embed SF in the TNR Customer Journey (system-side representation OFCO.Next).


  • What is SF/Alphabet/BMW Bank.
  • Product portfolio.
  • Differences between products and benefits for customer and Group.
  • Basic calculations, incl. explanation of key terms/components: RV, down payment, mileage, End of Term etc.
  • TNR SF online/offline journey overview – highlighting the SF part (details will be in OFCO.Next training).
  • USP – SF in general (we are the enabler, one stop shop, etc) plus integration into the TNR customer journey with leasing/finance rate, ‘budget oriented entry’.

Target Group

  • Region Europe.
  • NSC.
  • BDC Automotive.

Good to know

This training is not included in the WBT Flatrate!

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